Koboreru Ambivalence
I love this one too.. sorry i freaking love wataru he seems so cool but hes a loser. I LOVE FAKE DATING!!!
The Panther's Pet
Omawari-san, mata Ashita
Hatsukoi ga, Do Eroku Minotta
moves too fast and the ending comes outta nowhere. This was nawt romantic nawt cute Dont recommend.
Love-Shower for the Twisted Flower
OH MY GODDDDD YUMMM!!! THANK U MILAN BURGER FOR THE REC WTHHH. This was so good yum yum yammm. i love age gap so bad. This is so ivantill to me. Everything is ivantill if you try hard enough. The sex scenes were so short But mmmmfffpfpghh Yum. i love the art. i love this. Please read
Possessed by a Cotton Ball
How That Guide Is Loved
ohh this was cute. i like. i wish it was longer tho. I LOVE GUIDEVERSE. GREEN FLAG ML YAMMM
I CHANGED MY MIND I LOVE THIS SO BAD!!! this is so cringe embarrassing IN A GOOD FUNNY WAY!! i like when the seme likes the uke more than the uke likes the seme Thnx
The King of Home Cooking
I LOVED THIS!! so funny i lol. i actually loved the second male lead which Usually i dont like… I WANTED SIDE STORIES OF PRODUCER LEE them both being obsessed and possessive of each other #Love. Jiho’s inflated self image and ego is so funny
Sankaku Twilight