Oh! My Assistant Webtoon
Guy finds an assistant who happens to be gay and they are very proffesional at first but the artist slowly starts to have feelings for the assistant even tho he thought he was straight, and the assistant felt the same way but was scared because he had trauama from falling for a straight guy before. A lot of stuff happened, fights, conflict, hot sex, etc and eventually they became a couple, almost broke up, got over some bumps, etc. It was all a very cute story and definitely a must read again.
Kimi to Oishii ai no Kotoba
guy has a demon attached to him who eats his words, they fuck a lot, demon protects boyfriend from guy trying to get him, demon becomes human and they fuck some more. thats all
Dream Away
Guy can see the future through dreams and ends up seeing a guy get hit by a car. He eventually finds this guy and tries to become frineds with him so he can protect him from the car crash. The guy whos being protected ends up falling for the protector and the protector doesn't know it. The car crash happens and the guy blames himself but the victim also confesses his love. The dream guy tells him he likes him too but that he shouldn't like him. Fights and drama happen but they eventually fall in love and make the cutest couple. There is also a cute side story of the victims gay friend trying to turn the guy he crushes on gay.
Starting With a Lie
Two guys are best friends and in love with eachother but won't tell the other. They end up "fake dating" because someone made up a lie that they were gay to reject two girls. They keep trying to get closer to the other but are sad because they think their love is unrequited. A lot of shit happens and there is a cute side story of another gay couple and eventually they get tricked into confessing and end up becoming a cute couple. The side story got togther too, so cute.
Shoushin Otoko ni Haru no Arashi
Guy gets mad that new neighbors blocked his view of the cherry blossom tree but when he goes out to see it, he ends up meeting a younger guy (15 year age gap). They end up becoming friends and slowly lovers. The old guy starts picking back up on his photography dream and the young guy goes to college and gets a job. They stay together and it's pretty cute.
Wolves and Foxes have been living among humans and mating with them for a while, but they don't get along. A fox was fucking a guy in the bathroom but a wolf walked in on him and took a picture. He used the picture as blackmail to get to see him because he liked him. Eventually the picture stopped becoming an issue and love was confessed. The fox took a while to start liking him but they had hot sex and eventually became a cute couple.
Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta
30 year old gay man is a virgin with no romace experience at all and decides to go to a gay bar. He finds himself a guy who is very experienced but like 8 years or so younger. They get along well and fuck, and they end up kinda becoming friends? The bar guy (rou) and the newbi (yoshiro) are both in love but either don't know or won't admit. They have some ups and downs and a kinda argument but not really? Like they were avoiding eachother over a misunderstaning really. They endup clearing things up and confessing, so they get together and become a cute ass couple.
Cupid ni Rakurai
Guy plays "cupid" and girls ask for information in exchange for food. One day he is asked to find out about a scar a guy has, but the guy doesn't like people and avoids everyone. Somehow, the guy finds out that the secretive guy is afraid of thunder because the scar is from lightening, and they become friends. There was a lot of fights and issues but they became such a cute couple. This story is so good and short. I love it.
Deaf guy works at a cafe and accidentally pours water on a guy who needs a job. They take him into the cafe to help him after he passes out, and eventually end up giving into his whining about needing a job, but he doesn't know the manager is deaf yet. Eventually he figures this out and starts learning sign language. The issue is the deaf guy's voice because it turns the guy on so much he get's a boner. Eventually he get's found out and they start to have a friends with benefits relationship. Sex, handjobs, blowjobs, no emotions. They eventually fall for eachother and start dating. The other guy who works at the cafe has an evil brother who is the reason Yohan is deaf. He ends up going after soohwa (water poured guy) because he is jealous. He sexually harrassed yohan which caused yohan to avoid him, and now the brother goes after everyone who is close to him because he is angry and thinks it's yohan's fault. Soohwa get's hurt and yohan eventually confronts the brother and puts and end to it all, which is when the brother leaves the country again. There is a whole story about the family and relationships of the other guy who works at the cafe, the pink haired guy who was reluctant to let soohwa work there in the first place. It is a very cute story, cool to see how yohan overcomes all the issues that arrive due to him being deaf, and they make the cutest couple. The other couple (pink hair cafe worker) and a friend of theirs are really cute too. Overall great story, definitely a must read and probably one that I will read again.
Does the Carpet Match the Drapes?