Does the Carpet Match the Drapes?
People were curious whether the roomate of their friend had matching pubes to his hair color and the guy said no because he's never seen his dick, but he ends up telling a lie to the roomate that japanese custom is touching people makes them closer and friends, so they end up doing that a lot, eventually the secret is revealed and they end up staying close, even becoming a couple, so cute
Dream Away
Guy can see the future through dreams and ends up seeing a guy get hit by a car. He eventually finds this guy and tries to become frineds with him so he can protect him from the car crash. The guy whos being protected ends up falling for the protector and the protector doesn't know it. The car crash happens and the guy blames himself but the victim also confesses his love. The dream guy tells him he likes him too but that he shouldn't like him. Fights and drama happen but they eventually fall in love and make the cutest couple. There is also a cute side story of the victims gay friend trying to turn the guy he crushes on gay.
Starting With a Lie
Two guys are best friends and in love with eachother but won't tell the other. They end up "fake dating" because someone made up a lie that they were gay to reject two girls. They keep trying to get closer to the other but are sad because they think their love is unrequited. A lot of shit happens and there is a cute side story of another gay couple and eventually they get tricked into confessing and end up becoming a cute couple. The side story got togther too, so cute.
Cupid ni Rakurai
Guy plays "cupid" and girls ask for information in exchange for food. One day he is asked to find out about a scar a guy has, but the guy doesn't like people and avoids everyone. Somehow, the guy finds out that the secretive guy is afraid of thunder because the scar is from lightening, and they become friends. There was a lot of fights and issues but they became such a cute couple. This story is so good and short. I love it.
Back to School
Guy had to take a year off because his best friend was accused of murder and badly hurt him. He went to school finally and started falling in love with a guy there, but the ex best friend showed up. Basically the two fought over the guy the entire time. Finally the ex best friend did something really bad to chinwoo (the mc) and left the country to finally give chinwoo peace, and chinwoo ended up with the boy from school.
At the End of the Road