Kimi to Oishii ai no Kotoba
guy has a demon attached to him who eats his words, they fuck a lot, demon protects boyfriend from guy trying to get him, demon becomes human and they fuck some more. thats all
Wolves and Foxes have been living among humans and mating with them for a while, but they don't get along. A fox was fucking a guy in the bathroom but a wolf walked in on him and took a picture. He used the picture as blackmail to get to see him because he liked him. Eventually the picture stopped becoming an issue and love was confessed. The fox took a while to start liking him but they had hot sex and eventually became a cute couple.
Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta
30 year old gay man is a virgin with no romace experience at all and decides to go to a gay bar. He finds himself a guy who is very experienced but like 8 years or so younger. They get along well and fuck, and they end up kinda becoming friends? The bar guy (rou) and the newbi (yoshiro) are both in love but either don't know or won't admit. They have some ups and downs and a kinda argument but not really? Like they were avoiding eachother over a misunderstaning really. They endup clearing things up and confessing, so they get together and become a cute ass couple.
Cupid ni Rakurai
Guy plays "cupid" and girls ask for information in exchange for food. One day he is asked to find out about a scar a guy has, but the guy doesn't like people and avoids everyone. Somehow, the guy finds out that the secretive guy is afraid of thunder because the scar is from lightening, and they become friends. There was a lot of fights and issues but they became such a cute couple. This story is so good and short. I love it.
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