Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
Sequel to Kedamono Arashi
Norainu no Yoru
Uhhh I was not expecting the turn it took?? Doctor is an actual stalker and he shot and slit the throat of two guys who were about to do stuff to Detective?? And Detective is okay with it????? (And Doctor has a choking kink too...) Bro he's literally a psychopath IT'S NOT EVEN A PSYCHOLOGICAL, if it was I'd be fine with it because everyone knows that obviously this behaviour is very uhhh questionable. Don't get me wrong, I love psychologicals, but this isn't one
To Make A Delicious Omega Squeak
It's good, but I really had an issue with how forgiving the mouse is of the alphas that attacked him, saying it's his fault too and all that baloney. Like, no. Basically every other alpha x omega omegaverse deals with this sort of thing and the omega realizes it's not his fault for being attacked.......big sigh
Amaenbo Honey