Scent Spark
cute abo. healthy relationship. theyre so lovey dovey. omega meets alpha who is a magician with very strong pheromones. omega has not had his heat for years but it is suddenly triggered by alpha's pheromones! ch 13 dubcon because of alpha's rut. omega realizes that he is in rut and is able to physically get away from alpha if he wants to, but he decides not to. ch 14 omega's nose bleeds from alpha's strong pheromones in rut. ch 22 bleeding during sex
Bang Bang Knock
cute story. guy walks in on neighbor n they start a sexual relationship. ending felt abrupt though. dunno why ratings are so low when it's a consensual relationship
A Barbershop Quartet
ch 1-9 barber x customer. they both have a crush on each other. cutest couple ch 10 - 16 side couple. boss x subordinate (barber). dunno if i like the power imbalance and the dynamic of the boss coming onto the subordinate/being forceful. the couple grew on me a bit. uke is pretty tsundere but he enjoys sex with seme. ch 12 they fuck a lot
Two Moments
confusing story tbh mc can read minds. he is in love with with character but he forgets him after they have sex
Camboy Bunny
it's okay. art style pisses me off a bit
Missing Pepper Case