Summer Night Boys
The body types were exactly my thing. Beautiful and hot.
Usachan Ookami
Wolf and bun-chan were adorbs. I’m pretending ch 6 doesn’t exist.
Fuck Buddy
God this is quite sad. They’re parents really did a number on them. But they’re individual problems seem to compliment eachother well. Someone afraid of being abandoned and used and an incredibly possessive lover. Sure it’s not really healthy...but at least they can work at it together. And he really went off the rails at his mind games. Yuujiis such a asshole for manipulating him like that.. he sort of made his bed. I like how he knows what his issue is and it’s bad and he’s trying to do better. Ofc he did it the exact wrong way at first...but at least they both know how they feel.
Satou-kun ni wa Kanawanai (Sachimo)
3p seke? Rare and a gem. Want more.
Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue