1-2) Renai-rabi no Tadashii Furikata
These are my absolute favorite type of couple, airhead x commen sense, dorky, sexy, funny, heartfelt, so freaking adorable, sexy, and embarrassingly honest. I just love Hiro and Natsuo so so much, I can't even...
ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ Although, I don't know what was so dark about high school, that was just clingy attention by a crush, for goodness sakes. He clearly was just afraid of "delinquents" more like slackers.
\(^o^)/ This was one of my favorites, it's so fluffy with an unlikely revenge plot thrown in. I wish there was more of their story. Gosh darn it, I love theses two dorks!
3) Hodokeru Kaibutsu
So, I think I've read all of the prequels and sequals to this story and this one is the least dark. It centers around Shuuna and Kans love. I really like how Ogeretsu handled this, that the past abuse was clearly stated and was a roadblock but he has changed and is not the same person. That being said his past clearly haunts him and is never forgotten, but he can move on and it's okay to be happy. As for the smexy scenes, (o_o) they are smoking hot and sexy af. Not for the weak of heart. Now I get why their story is continuing it definately has the most meat, but I really wish their was more of every other characters instead/too. I guess their too happy? Also, I love that this is all one universe, you get to see each character have their own story and the small links between them. That's really cool Imo.
Ogeretsu crafted two interesting stories packed with emotion and character a must read for any yaoi fan. The art is fantastic and brings the characters to life with her sultry sex scenes and hillarious expressions, she knows what she's doing folks.
Let's take a moment and give a round of applause to Must Be Endless Scantation, because this was a masterpiece. Bless you for what you do and this translation was outstanding. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
Renai-rubi no Tadashii Furikata