pinkstarred's manga / #Manhwa(11)

That Summer (kim Hyun)

Ongoing | kim hyun | 2015 released

Where is this going? I want to see more. Hee Bum is such a feisty bitch. I love him! Also that cool chick has balls you got to give her props for that. Loving this so far. And Jumi is my homegirl, definately would want to be in her place. OH my gosh! Chapter 41! Kya! I love those two so dang much. Here Bum can you bee more tactless...Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ Poor Jumi, she really is the best girl ever. T^T What the heck was chapter 57 confused. ( ゚д゚) OMG! Chapter 59 is so sad and...happy. How am I supposed to feel about this? Poor Yoo Won Oppa....( i _ i ). He's grown so much, those dang rich runts, just horrible. Thank goodness for Hyung giving good advice to adororble lil Yoo Won. He is a saint, a cinnamon roll, a fairy godmother and a true friend. Thank you Hyung. (T ^ T) Only 80 something chapters in and we FINNALY to see that summer, romance is blooming. (^O^)Kya! It was everything I've wanted and more. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ 2020 update: To be rejected and wanting to be physically intimate be called gross...the worst rejection ever. Ofc he cried. I really feel for him. Now, does he think its gross to make out and more with a girl? Cause if not, i think thats your answer. You want different things and unless he has changed moving forward in a relationship is not the answer.

All About Lust

Complete | kim gong lyong,TIRANO KIM | 2016 released

Fantasies become reality as these two confess their mutual like for eachother. Surprisingly lovey dovey considering the ratio of sex to not sex is like 5 to 1 but the cartoonish style makes it more cute then lewd. Quite adorable indeed ( ̄▽ ̄) What a heartwarming story, their so in love.

I Have A Boyfriend

Complete | Pibi | 2000 released

Quite good so far, engaging and you feel for the characters. Can't wait to see what happens.

Heart Silent

Complete | han kyeul | 2000 released
2017-08-10 07:21 marked

Let's see how this plays out. That ojisan is trouble. (・・;)...That was it? Well that was an abrupt ending, but it was happy. Well, overall sort of not fully formed and rushed. An original concept but there wasn't much character development and not left with any real impressions. It was forgettable.

Meeting him

Complete | Yu-ael | 2017 released

Kya! It's so freakin adorable. ( ̄▽ ̄) Sooo FLUFFY! These two are just huge cinnamon rolls watching them fall for eachother is the icing.

The Baker on the First Floor

Complete | GyaGa | 2016 released

The way this is unfolding is sorta confusing but interesting. Did not see that coming at all, plot twist. I really like his classmate, he's so pretty! So, that's why he freaked about the haircut, now he doesn't look like the one that got away? Does he actually care for him at all I wonder. And did he actually grow out of that scariness or is it just hidden? Man, this a story of effed up relationships. Update: So that ended unexpectedly soft. Huh... I like You Jin the best, thank god he was alive I really thought he died. I hate the sunbae, he’s seriesly messed up.


Ongoing | Park Tae Joon | 2014 released

Really interesting premise, and a lot questions answered about the logic. Where can I get a second body? But seriously, it's just like one giant misunderstanding that continue to escalate. Jae Yeol is so sweet! Just a shy cinnamon roll (⌒▽⌒). I hope hose two become good friends. Also Vasco and Hyung Suk could be friends if only they could communicate better, Vasco is such a good guy at heart. Just goes to show how misunderstanding and assumptions are placed on everyone regardless of your looks. Let's fix these misunderstandings, yeah. Yay! Vasco is such a sweetheart a true superhero and definately a giant fluffy cinnamon bun. p(^_^)q I love these guys so much. Now this is what I call character growth. BTS, GD and One Punch Man? Boy this comic is after my heart. Jae Yeol is just too precious I can't take it.(^◇^) Kya!! T^T Tae Eun you are amazing, you've been through so much. You have grown up well. I'm sorry you had to endure that Vasco. (;_;) Enter the girl version of Hyung Suk, not surprising actually. Also I'm kind of rooting for Ha Neul she already likes both bodies and she's honest I like her spunk. But somehow I don't see that happening. Although perhaps my true ship is ofcourse Hyung Suk and Jae Yeol, he just loves him so much. But a shounen ai love, I can't even begin to imagine anything else for those two pure cinnamon rolls. Also somwheere along the way this turned into a cautionary tale/PSA for all types of trouble. Gambling, smoking and bullying all vices teenagers might get into. Let's all use are heads and stay out of trouble and do the right thing, yeah. Update: Dropped for now bc of the episodic lessons. Got sort of stale and one note

Orange Marmalade

Complete | seok woo | 2000 released

It was a cute and solid shoujo. It was funny, silly, sad and fluffy. Good art and drama, but predictable and cliché nothing ground breaking. It has a good message about acceptance and is largely about the prejudice of vampires. I mean it completely skirts the usual undead issue and turning humans into them and instead they are basically humans but drink blood and have some extra powers. Basically vampire could be replaced with any race and is about being different in a world where everybody fears and hates you. It's really a coming of age drama about a girl accepting herself and finding those who support and accept her as she is. Note: Trying to get through the first episode of the live action drama and all I can think is how the manhwa was so much better. They so far are selling vamp dude(can't remember his name) so much better. Why would they make it about his hatred of vamps from the start? Shouldn't be girls? That's what made his confused slow fall so cute. Grrr.


Complete | Josei | 2015 released
2017-08-04 22:22 marked

Stopped after a few chapters like a year ago. Besties Add benefits.


Ongoing | Face Park | 2000 released
2022-01-06 08:34 marked

I hated the whole plot with the idol like wtf, she is no real fan. Made the main character v unlikable to me. But barring that this is amusing in some regards. It really took a turn. Its a goof. And pretty hot.