Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku
Ogeretsu sensei has just moved to top of my list, her work is amazing. I read these stories out of order, but I think it gave me a different perspective. That she is able to depict both sides of abuse and not completely villianize the abuser is really impressive to me. Don't get me wrong I did not like kan-chan in this story and hated his actions but I understood that what he did was reprehensible but it's not as simple as labeling him evil. In Kanchans story you see what made him change and in this story he clearly hates himself, that I was able to feel so much for this "evil" character really impresses me. That being said I so so happy that Souma got away from that horrible abusive relationship and found someone who can truely protect and treasure him. They are so adorable together and super sexy. As always sensei's art is gorgeous.
Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata
Bouzu to Kumo
Cuteness won! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) My lifelong fear of spiders made me hesitate with this one, but the cuteness won me over. Some of the arm details were a bit too real for me and I had to hide the pictures, but I got over it as the story continued. In interesting take on monsters and spirits. The art was a bit messy at times but overall an enjoyable read.
Shinobeba Koi
This was so charming, I loved it. The art is great and the characters were so sweet and the sexy moments were fun. I want more, this author was just added to my fave list. What a simple heartwarming story. That scrunchy scene, I about exploded from the intense cuteness.
First couple cute and happy Second is a jarring clash of violence and cruelty to satisfy selfish desires of revenge
Lonely To Organdy