Tokoro de ima ha nanbanme deshou ka
Meguro to Akino wa Kizukanai
Pfft, Mama speaks for us all. These two baka’s are so frustrating. I want to see Mama’s story now.
Amakute, Tsumetai
It was refreshing that here was no love triangle. Lots of wibble and wobbling, took way too long for the m to confess. Overall it was a straight forward love.
Banana Scandal
Hyung storyline: So was the reason he's so mean to him in college is that he ghosted him cause it hurt to see him with others. Cause i kind of get why he would be so pisssed. But for him to go sadist on him is a bit wtf. Tho ofc he's clearly a masochist so i guess it works. But he was so nice in high school. I want that taehwan back. Okay, so all that repulsive talk is him talking about himself, cause besides Y being clearly a big m his reactions are completely normal. Whereas yours are not bro, he is a gay man with a huge crush on you ofc he's gonna get excited. I really hope he stops taking his shit and stuff...but i doubt it. Why do i keep reading when the plot is annoying me so much? I wanna see if he gets nice again i guess... TH good looking face is starting to annoy me. And thats a new experience...but I'm still not sure what exactly their relationship is and how their backstory went from besties to enemies. I wanna know. ' 3'
Natsu ni Tokeru Himitsu no Koi
I like it a lot. Great art, good story, the way it got all twisted. It was sad but what could be done but move on. Now they have each other, he can help him heal.
Zutto Kitto
Oh lord, this is one of those misunderstanding dramas eh?
Umeya-kun no Haru