pinkstarred's manga / #Accepting family(2)

Wagamama Romeo

Complete | ajimine sakufu | 2005 released
2017-04-21 18:26 marked

Meh. But I did like the aura of love from the family.


Complete | Marloong | 2000 released

This was such a dark and deep story of abuse and the ways it consumes and changes a person so that they are able to survive. Thank goodness Boris reached out and saved Sehyun that first night, he was barely able to get away. And what was the point of that final attack? Like wtf? I hope he was finally able to talk to him about it, it was so sad. Why did we need that after he finally escaped and was living like he always wanted. It was so sad that moment. I love borris' family, they were such a huge help to them both.