To a New Life
This is acually so GOOD! The Mcs over powered but not unbeatable, all the female character are strong without having to get help for others (expecally from a man) and their isn't a harlem between them and the MC. They're stronger chance for a Harlem to form between the men and MC then Women and MC. The love intrest is acually ... well intersting. All the Women character are strong slightly over powered, and diverse in personality. Though as a whole all the acually personalitys are really stale and everyones just a war meat head. But its easy to like everyone, villian or hero. As a whole this is a pretty stong and well paced comic
The Novel’s Extra (2022)
Pretty good so far, the start threw me off since he had no face but they quuckly killed that off in the first 3 charpters. Its the usual over powered mc but it has real world problems, like hes really good at his weapon of choice but he has no stamina and is weak physicaly. And the fact that since he uses a gun he can't train with other students and has to have a teacher as a training partner. The other charcters are well written with the acpect of wanting you to like them but their still fisty. I LOVE how its a slow charcter deveploment. Half the cast hates the mc, they bully and try to beat him up constanly even though hes proved hes strong time and time agian, it isnt until chapter 40 where we really see a change in heart with the cast towardd the mc. And even the a majirity of his peers dont respect him in the slightest. It not only does the cast get charcter devolopment but so does the mc. Its well balanace as of rn (chapter 54) theres a few nit picky stuff like the presence of a love intrest not being needed, and stuff but no major complants
The S-Classes That I Raised
They need to rename and change the cover cuz it doesn't give it an INCH of justice!!! I was someone who kept passing over this weebtoon cuz the cover and title looked boring and bland but this story is SO GOOD!!! It the take of humans getting ablitites and all that jazz but the main character is the brother of an S ranked hero. The S rank abandons his older brother and become the #1 guild leader while his brother drowns in debt and dies off insignificant to his loved one..... or so we thought. I live the partake on the diffrent ways the brothers show love throughout the story. Keeping at a far distance to protect him vs keeping him as close as posible to protect him. The brother complex and get alittle werid at some parts but its cute most of the time. The side characters are all loveable and unique in personalitys. Their is a harem but in a diffrent way than normal. Theirs no romatic love but all the mcs close friends absolutely adore and want to protect him at all cost. It can get a little much at times tho and the author knows that so they have the mc step in and be like "chill tf out." I also love the fact that they establish that both brothers have blood on their hands one way or another and are trying to hid that fact from eachother. Over all its a cute and entertaining story with good pacing. Would Recommend giving it a read if you want something to binge.
Clever Cleaning Life Of The Returned Genius Hunter
LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE!!! This story is literally SO FUNNY. It follows the order of cause and effect. Cleaner MC causes choas in the assosiation by being an overpowered cleaner, the assosiation wants to get rid of him. Cleaner MC gives tips and ticks to help a few people out, he now has disiples who would follow his ever word. Its a well written and balanced story all togther!
Hyper Luck
Hime Muko
Pick Me Up
Its suprisingly a very nice story. I love how much the characters struggle. They have a purpose to fight besides just getting stronger and thats to just simply survive. Author has a clear understanding of how to write bonds between comrades that doesnt disturb the respect of the chain of command. I love over powered they are compared to regular humans but how weak they are to monsters. Author clearly understands how to write to give a character purpose, for each hero has theyre own motivations that the author can cheer them on for. Art style is consistant and pleasent. Love how almost everyone has a tiny wait. Some fight get boring inbetween so i just skimmed them went it gets repeditive but besides that no complains. Its ovi that the creator of thus story knows what they are doing and are skilled in the knowlodge of rpg games for this story just sucks you into there world at times. No real complants. No major hints of harems. The cast joke around and ship the MC with a few character for fun but he shuts that down quickly. Its a wonderful story with lots of potential. Keep up the good work cant wait to see this grow!
How a Former Pro takes advantage by doing an easy job