I Go All Out and Do Whatever I Have Been Asked
What’s with the name changes? Anyway, no idea what Gareth is up to, but considering the tone so far, it won’t be anything irredeemable. If that’s the case, I like him with Leslie. As for Jack, I was kind of shipping him with Sammy, but now I think I like her with Steve. If that happens, I think Violet would be the best bet for Jack. I don’t see an endgame with Violet, though. I really don’t like Jack with Leslie. She isn’t into his kink, and it’s getting annoying watching her try to get into it. Also, I wish they hadn’t made Leslie so ugly. Tired of looking at all of her ugly facial expressions. They could’ve at least made her a cute nerd. Also, the smut in this is very tame considering it’s about bdsm. It’s really not even explicit. I haven’t even seen a titty. Maybe I’m just too used to reading yaoi. lol
Kaguya Wants to be Confessed to: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains
Just started the anime, and it’s amazing. I don’t want it to end. lol
Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai
He’s a little bit crazy? Well, sign me right up.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Marry One Get One Free
Last read chapter 172 or 206 (?) This is a repost, but it seems to have better translations, so that’s good.
Whisper & Mellow