I don’t like Jeha’s attitude towards Mong’s sister It’s very disrespectful. Just because he hates his family, he doesn’t need to project his dysfunctional shit onto Mong and his sis. Plus, he’s the last person that should be criticizing her after all he’s done to Mong. He was so worried about if that was his “real” sister, as if that would even matter. She literally raised him. They grew up together. How the hell would not being blood related make her a “stranger?”
Anyway, this was lovely. Such an easy read. Mong is the cutest thing ever. Definitely on my favorite uke list. Jeha, when being adorable, was the best. I loved how much he loved kissing. They remind of the main couple from Down and Dirty, tbh. A softer, more comedic version.
Assorted Wildness