Until I Meet My Husband
Amazing plot, has age progression, great ending
The Horizon
My heart someone repair the damage that has been done, the angst scenes are so heartbreaking. Fuck when his mom died that was messed up, when he proposed to the little girl and she said yes it was so adorable because they talked about the future and how their house would look like...except she died moments later, oml i cried it hurts when you get attached to these characters it's hard seeing them suffer. That creepy ass dude fucking made me feel bad for him when he got left alone but he tried raping the little girl i was happy to see mc stab him from the knife he got on the way. I just cant believe how much they went through together both the little girl and boy...the ending is quite sad since he struggle internally all those years but also a relieve because he found new people to hang out with and sort of let go of all his pain from the past. You can feel emotions being portrayed seeing the colorful sky as contrast to the monotone panels.
MEmergence (Metamorphosis)
I feel sick to my stomach how could anyone read this...this poor girl she suffered a lot. It started with her not having friends then escalates to changing her appearance and her life goes to shit. She most likely didn't know better, her family probably didn't talk about sex or drugs not that mine did either but I feel like she had no common sense perhaps because she didn't have anyone to talk to and was lonely. Even though the baby probably wasn't her "boyfriends" I hoped she still kept it which she did but didn't change for the better, I'm sure when she got a abortion the 1st time it must've been painful to loose her child. The ending just plain fucked up wth is wrong with those high school students why would they think kicking a pregnant woman repeatedly until she bleed is alright???? I'd like to think she died a peaceful death while being intoxicated, her dreaming of her child was just straight up sad. The father fucked up big time ruining her moms relationship...shes just a child how could he, 14 at the very least wtf fuckin pedo assholes.
Rental Onii-chan
The beginning is so depressing it made my heart sad. But on a side note onii-chan can I rent you too?? The frickin brother annoyed me so much, I cant say I'm happy about the way he was forgiven just like that but at least he isn't a asshole anymore. Makoto onii-chan is so hot ngl, color would look so good in the panels I want a person like him in life to be around he's such a great person. Loved how strong mc was in not giving up I straight would've left other onii-chans ass for Makoto onii-chan.
Oujitachi wa Izonsuru
Step bro what are you doing?? These people aren't normal, the second last story was confusing asf idk what it was even about. The love triangles...I hate them so much with a passion. Real bro whyd you have to like your own sister cant you fall for another woman???
Ookami wa Hana no Kaori
Sobbing cuz of how adorable Alta is, why cant they live their lives the royals always have to ruin it. Let my poor bbys become mates, they better have a happy ending!!
Goshujinsama to wa Iwasemasen!
Fluff is in the air although i wanted more kinky sex. This slave and master dynamic wasn't the worst but it could've been structured better.
Miss You, Lucifer
Wholesome asf and really cute. They never announced their relationship to the public which is understandable but i wish they did. The misunderstandings are gonna be the death of me.
Love Thy Neighbor
Ngl I scoffed when Hajime said he was playing with Akari. I knew something was shady about him but I wanted to be wrong. This ass hat has the nerves to go messing with Akari's feelings. My poor cinnamon roll deserves better than some low life trash
Mayoke no Darling