Motto Oshiete
1: O_O Uhm I mean...sadly I can' judge someone liking this, it's pretty risky to actually submit a manga like that with that content, reason I can't judge is I know some people that have rape fantasies and they like this stuff at times now and a again, soo yea... xD love the balls on this author though!! -Thumbs up- 2: Don't get me wrong I understand why a lot of girls like confident men.... sadly I can't help that I like them to, but there's a limit! Eeeh however, it's not that bad, short but kinda cute and not really much smut. 3:Very fist fuckin' page and I hate the dude Satoshi-sensei, I kinda like the whole bird in a cage set free, and I kinda understand why she would be obedient but does he have to say that. "I love a well-trained girl" -fake gags- I see what Hibiki is doing though ~_~ and of cause you gotta put rape in here too... XD LMAO I want to "come" inside your cage... I hate you! 4: Kinda new, seeing it from the guys bought of view, but I don't know, It seem to be consensual cause the ending... 5: O_O that is the shortest story I've ever seen!!
First: All in all not that bad the playboy seems to really like her ish near the end. It's gonna be very complicated for them, but if you know Manga logic then it may turn out good ^^, Second: I feel your pain but not that far, and your really selfish to compare new flings with old, and damn man characters are such idiot. "It's not like I like you or anything, BAKA!" go die in hole. but still, ok stories
Akuma Na Cupid
Yu-Gi-Oh dj - Gross Darkness
Miba Ouji To Ibara No Shukujo
It's a short little romance, I wish it did more in the whole sneaking in and then getting caught explaining how he knew he'd be assassinated and more of the relationship shown. but all in all that soo bad
Ginrou no Sakura
When you see a silver wolf you'll be that's really good and this story, for a one shot very good...I've been saying that alot "for a one shot" lol, this though kinda reminds me of Wolf Children and Wolf's Rain, this could be a nice movie.
Wagamama Mo Aishite
Too Close For Love
Uhm I read this already cause I saw it in a group of onshots... but it's not bad
Hara Peko Mitsuba Chinko
This is fucking weird, this is very messed up. I want to die after ready... I mean it was fucking funny as hell when he licked and sucked the flower, then it turned into... xD LMAO
Gensoku Tsundere Danshi Ikenai Sensei