Namida Usagi - Seifuku no Kataomoi
"STOP" is the keyword in this love story, it's really well done and very good. Last Ch, is a really nice one shot
Empress of Another World
It's not over yet but this story was to hard to put down, I may have cheated a bit skipping some chapters cause I was so worried about Bina I couldn't help it D': Anyway I'm definitely recommending this to everyone I see, well those who like Romance. Bina is a wonderful woman and Luke is to die for, the characters are some I've seen before not that different. It was easy to guess what may have happened but a beautiful story non the less.
Wagamama Mo Aishite
The Lover Of The Devil
Loved the devil angel stuff, and the magician one is nice... However I'd love to see more, it was really well done and it's just a big ass tease. Like what if she didn't go back to him on stage, slap him or just not show up at all, to see what length he'd go to show he loved her. and the first one was good too but kinda controlling, i get it but damn scissors are dangerous kids, especially that close to the eyes
Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen
Not that bad of a read, I like the couple very much and it's very interesting seem like a mix between Arabic culture mixed with like England time. It's a interesting concept even though the romance is very predictable, but hey who could get tired of love quarrels and watching a character discover love for the first time. The Drama isn't that bad, and I'm not talking about the love drama it's Ok though.
Houyou Jikken
Tonari No Inuyama-kun
Well that escalated quickly O_O.... ~_~ If you read I'm sure you can guess whatI'm referring to... Fail once throwing a knife, next step, throw a helicopter xD
Sand and Song of the Seas
This manga was amazing, when you read a manga/ manhua that literally sends shivers up and down your spine. Makes you scared and worried about the characters. Hoping, praying everything works out, then this manga is by far Amazing, nothing less and nothing more... Would have been nice though if their relationship stayed in Egypt and more then just one sex scene that i know of between the main characters ~_~ that wasn't stupid... -shrugs- but I get it for drama perspective.
Kinkyori Renai