Tokyo Shinobi Squad
9/10 this cyberpunk-esque series takes place in a dystopian world where a new kind of super-powered shinobi has taken over. Tokyo Shinobi Squad features beautiful art, unique character designs, and heartwarming tales of friendship in a struggling world. anyone who enjoys typical shounen style action mangas and sci-fi would love this series. cw: guns, violence
Chainsaw Man
10/10 Chainsaw Man is probably the best shounen action manga of its generation. The series has a completely unique plot that comes alive with the captivating art, fantastic and gory action scenes, ingenious world-building, chaotic but brilliantly planned storyline, hilarious writing, and impactful character development that takes the usual shallow friendships of shounen manga to a new and much deeper level. cw: guns, violence, gore, death/murder
Wind Breaker
️ 9.5/10 ️ fantastic webtoon about street bike racing with fabulous character design & development. definitely a must-read. although i’m usually not a fan of romance in shounen action comics, the romance in this series is cute and realistic and adds a lot to the character development and plot.
Blue Period.