Gorani Jeon
4️ complete, 15 Jun 2023 Cute, a little simple. Ogre (half man spirit) deer, gets caught eating MLs vegetables and drinking his wine offering to the mountain god. Good thing he is cute, because he is quickly forgiven
Kemono wa Okumade Aisaretai
2️ moved from updated Beastmen are sub species to humans and are treated as slaves or pets. One in particular is pretty cute so of course he is abused and thinks he is happy when he finds a master who isn't a dick
14 Sept 2023, variety 3 Oct 2024 3️ marked as complete, moved from updated. Rabbit/fish animal guy thinks he is traumatized by a party sexual assault, turns out he likes being forced
Fukujuu to Amagami
Kemono wa Oku made Nakasaretai
3/4 ️ chp 6.5 Complete Beastman kidnapped and sold, human who is kind and gentle. Yaoi
Amagami wo Kimi ni
4️ chp 6.5 complete 24 Mar 2023 Little cat uke and dog seme spend time making love making possible after becoming friends and getting to know each other
His Little Amber
4️ moved from updated Chp 7 - 2 Sept 2023 Good kinda, the ending (if that is the ending) was really good. Though I feel like they are gonna be saved from that somehow and that this isn't the end lol Man picks up cat, cat is a leopard, leopars is a kid. Man is now having to raise a kid. But we don't see that part because it would be so much weirder when they sleep together
Yagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou