Everyday is a Good Day
Just.. "Everyday is a Good Day" Worth to re-read (≧∇≦)b
Crystal Palace
heart-warming :( idk it's worth to re-read or not.. but read it one more time if you can :'(
In the Cage
Renji posessiveness for Haru is just— wow.. It is worth to re-read? idk. Read it if u want tho
Yume demo Nakanaide
The second story is good but i kinda like the first story (ㆁωㆁ*)
Sex Drop
slutty bottom. INI SIH GEMES BNGT YYYYAHAHXKDK update ch 6 : wtf... gemes banget sih di awal, tp pas akhir² hmm.. :) mulai nih konflik
Secret Relationship
Tied Up In Twins
LOVE THIS MANHWA dari segi alur, karakter, dan art style... INI TUH GEMESS lovey dovey tapi konfliknya dapet juga + BANGT ga ngira endingnya bakal gitu POKOKNYA BUAT MANHWA INI 10000/10
Triangle (FUUKI Mame)
I hope Rio didn't die :( She deserve to have a happy live too :'(
Ouji No Hakoniwa