Ring my Bell
AGHH I BINGED IT ALL IN ONE DAY... what am i gonna do now ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ ) The PLOT the CHARACTERS the ART ughGHHGh they're all *chef's kiss*~~ I love the main couple, in fact, I really love everyone!! Gosh... another one to add to my list of favourites. I gotta say, this one's probably coming up at #2-#4 on my list. The story felt so relatable, and this author has a SENSE OF HUMOUR. A gem like this is v rare, and it.. how do i put it in words... ITS A FEEL GOOD MANHWA, and those always tend to get boring, but THIS ONE WAS ENTERTAINING. I'm so happy~~ the only thing I wish was that Chanmi liked Suhee back and they could be a thing, but realistically, the ending made sense, and there was a possibility ehehe~ ANYWAY. 11/10 and nobody can change my mind. -Feb 18.2021
Green Forest
i was confused for most of it but in the end, it was great ♡
Hello, Melancholic!
THIS WAS SUCH A NICE STORY~~ AT FIRST I DIDNT LIKE OUR MAIN GIRL BUT OFC I GREW TO LOVE EVERYONE IN THE SERIES. I want to give it a 4.5 star just bc at some parts I just wanna pUt It DoWN... but it as well deserving of a 5, so here we go :)) I loved the sweet moments between the couples, and the struggle of relationships hehe :')) I'm sad to say goodbye~
THE STORY IS SO GOOOOOD i am in love with Maria QAQ and kyeongju is so pretty... this was overall such an interesting story with some of the most beautiful art i've ever seen. I love a historical - contemporary piece like this, and I just want more LOL
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