Kimi No Iru Sekai Shikairanai
Just didn't like the art much
3-pun Instant no Chinmoku
AAAAGH BEST MANGA EVER, I love henpainful moments because it makes it seem more relasitic but I actually cried when I found out why he hates women and how he was beaten up and preyed on as a child. BUT I WISH HE TOLD SAKU ABOUT IT AND HOW HE FELT LIKE HE SHOULDNT EXIST UNTIL HE SAW SAKU AND HE WAS A THE ONLY COLOUR IN HIS LIFE AND WHERE DID THE DAD SAUNDDENLY COME FROM AND FIND AKI, that's what I'm confused about. BTW WOULD GIVE 100 starts if I could
Ani no Senaka
so sad some parts funny
Fushidara na Hanatsumi Otoko
I LOOOOVE IT, it's the best even tho it's kind alike ic eat but who cares right? Anyways I love how he had this pure love for him since he was a teenager and has always looked up too him and I love how they are loyal to each toher don't forget ayumi's hot body and how loves sleeepibg naked, and I also the the bit of angst OMG LOVE THE SEX SCENE IN CHAPTER 30 VOLUME 5 I THINK
Teirui Makura