YaoiLover's manga / #Manhwa(1)

Work, Fight and Love

Complete | YOO Ha Jin | 2000 released

What the actual fuck? This story was so good it’s just goes beyond my understanding. I was gonna stop reading it cuz it wasn’t getting too painful but someone told me it had a beautiful ending and I just couldn’t, I cried so much. There’s more that one plot twist Love the art and it’s quite funny and hasn’t me wondering what will happens next. WHATS MORE THEYRE KOREAN! The story is really funny in some scen, others wierd and intriguing .It’s was going nowhere in the beginning and now BAM WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND! I was about to quit but I’m glad I kept reading. THE ,AIN CHARACTERS ARE PENG AF AND SO IS THE GAY ACTOR AND THIS STORY SURPASSES AMAZING. It was a roller coaster of emotions, I can’t even sum up this story because of its many plot twist, the major characters who played a role, the pain was so totally worth it and I’m glad the au5or wasn’t cruel to give US a bad ending so thank u