kary's manga / #single parent(8)

Gekka no Soutou

Complete | KUJU Siam | 2015 released

I have mixed feelings. Good story about love between a human and half wolf, but his twin get jealous and rape uke. :/ If not for that, this one would be beautiful. The story is touching and their feelings are pure, so I couldn't understand why it was necessary that rape scene. In the end everyone was friends again and uke and seme could live a happy and sex life. Good sex scenes on ch 5.

Sado no Otoko o Otosu Houhou

Complete | Yamaomi | 2017 released

Fev 18 A pair of orphaned brothers from an island province in japan called sado has come to tokyo to live with their aunt. One day met this rich old man who seems to took a fancy on him after almost getting hit by his car. #rich architect x poor orphan/college dropout #yaoi w/ kid