Soredemo Ore No Mono Ni Naru
This feels incomplete lol. Anyway this manga was ok.. listening to the BLCD makes it wayy better. The ukes voice is so cute especially in the last scene
Zan'nen Datta na, Unmei da!
i feel bad for the uke... in the drama cd he really sounds like he's in pain :((
Beast & Feast
I wish they had more chapters.. i really love the uke
Stay Gold - Koi No Lesson A To Z
Im in love with the fact that the seme is shorter and very uke like! -Has BLCD
Blood Bank
everything about this is amazing and i come back to re read it all the time!
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
Wow this manga is so beautiful. it was such a roller coaster of emotions near the end omg and i cried so many times. i really love the story line, the art, the characters! Taichi is the best boy in the whole world im so glad they both got a happy ending T^T Both of the main characters have had such a rough time, and you wouldn't even notice with how Taichi acts... when i read his back story oh my god was i shocked. And the scene where he was sobbing in the hospital broke me inside im glad Kouhei was there to comfort him. I really wish this manga would never end i want to see more of them im sad its complete :( link to the last chap- -also has a BLCD but only covers the first 2 volumes.
Yuri!!! On Ice Dj