Torokeru Chouai Celluloid
Totsugimasen Kara!
this was the cutest thing ive ever read omg! i really love how they went from hating each other to liking, it was adorable. I really ended up shipping the uke and Kiri near the middle and am lowkey upset they didnt end up together AHAHAAHA oh well i hope Kiri finds someone in the future
Sakurada-senpai Kaizou Keikaku
This was so funny omg Mibu was fucking hilarious!! the part when he was moaning louder than Sakurada was the funniest thing ever. The blcd to this was good too! i love Mibu's VA he did so well and sakurada's VA had some sexy moans.tbh iit was stupid but i thoroughly enjoyed it, and it made me laugh so many times honestly one of my faves
Koisuru Boukun
I love this manga so much omg Give me more tsundere ukes!!! The drama cd to this is super hot and souichi's VA is AMAZING
Ring my Bell
Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante
This was so cute haha I love enemies to lovers. Also the sex scenes omg !!! they were so hot
Sono Koi ni wa Wake ga Aru