Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
This is good! And when uke and the seme were a kid they are so adorable what!?
Urusai Kurai no Kokuhaku Kudasai
So short ! aaaa its cute tho! Really
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
So cute!! AAAAaa i love it! So many sex and smut part and this is adorable. Very healty relationship and i love it !
Doutei Nana-kun Foreign Love
This is more adorable than i though. Mizuno is so sexy and cold but nana is handsome and cherrfull i really like both of them. And thr photo of nana when their sister dress him up was soo cute omfg aaa i want more. And i love Nana black hair friend like! He is so understading and accept him. I love him !! And when he princces carry mizuno was so cute! I love it
Sono Mimi Sawarasete Kudasai
Miszuki daddy goddest! He hs a long hair a cocky personalty and he is so handsome!! And the wolf form of him is soo hot like what
Keppeki Danshi Kouryakuhou
The blonde guy has homophobe oh germophobe. This was confusing to my eyes like Itd that hoe it end. ye peace out. But so cute tho
Aho Ero
The pulling hair is si sexy. I dont really like the art style but this is adorable. I dint get tge story that lil bro and the older bro its like they're too loving for eachother, and its weird ion know
Koi Wa Etude!
OMG THIS IS SO CUTE, i love every single out of this, this is very adrorable, i though this was just shounen ai with out any smut party but oh well. the uke is cute and fluffy, he is so fucking nice, i love him!! and the sora friend he is fucking sexy. whatt- he is cocky and funny. aaaaaaaaaaaa cute
Boku-tachi wa Mada Aoku