Boy's Abyss
This was depressing, and this manga feel like a hell, the concept of lover suice really something, i dont get it why people like her, and about the fucking teacher, i regret taking sypmathy for her, she is a fucking crazy bastard and possesive ass bitch, damn he keeping reiji like he some fucking ass dog or something. Also i regret to think that she was fine, ugh she became pyschotic as hell. and the mfk mother, this whoree wtf is she up to, she i not good at all, he stabbed her own son, and got run over, thats just shitty ass face of her, wanna make me puke. Snd this chako man how tf he loses weight in 3 or 4 months just like that, to wbe honest she suffer enough, poor chako she is so sweet and cute and joyful, but they kinda ruin her, i like her, but i feel annoyed about reiji man and also pity him, he got treated like he some fucking sex toy, he just want to diee, let him jump with nagi already, fucking hell, he keep getting chako hope up and at the end all he cares is suicide with nagi
10 years where I loved you the most