On my own
Just caught up with it and man this one is good. The love triangle doesn't feel too forced and each character has a proper background. Also let's say it is really fucking sexy indeed. One of the very few occasions where the size difference actually makes sense. They aren't broad and bulky for no reason. Can't wait for the next chapters!
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Can't remember the plot but might re-read it.
Ordinary Men
Oh boy, I forgot this one when it was taking a while to update. I love this so much ;-; Will re-read it for sure!
Can't take my eyes off you
Can't remember why I stopped reading but the art is beautiful.
Star x Fanboy
Be careful, might get a sweet tooth from reading this one. Words cannot properly express how cute this story is. It is very slow paced though, so you might want to wait a bit between updates to catch up to it.
A Guy Like You
Stopped reading at some point but I plan to re-read it.
Your wish is my command