I Like You
I only wanted to read it because there was a hashtag schoollife. The main couple was nice and sweet, but the second couple was awful. I kind of thought at the end that they wouldn't get together but that's just fucked up why is a 20 year old with an almost 40 year old. Somehow it was weird and I thought it would be some paedophile shit. Why didn't Chase just get together with the transfer student? Well, you can read it but it was a bit weird.
Kirei ni Shiteyo
I liked it but I felt that all the sex scenes just didn't fit there somehow I don't think it's necessary. That's why I mostly skipped them but otherwise is actually quite cool and acute story.
Restless Webtoon
The story could also be applied to today's life and then there is also discrimination and such at work but to talk about the story itself I would say that is quite sweet but actually I wanted the blond boy to keep on bullying because he was bullied by the guy but it is also good like that
The art is ok was the story cool? Nah it wasn't interesting I don't know you can read it but it's not that cool. I regret that I bought the manga.
Life Completely Ruined
Because it hasn't been updated here I have to continue reading it on webtoon but it wasn't bad because the stories are so cool honestly everyone should read it it's just so great. I think it's good that the Bully has finally understood that it's not good to destroy other people's lives just because you're bored.
Mercenary Enrollment