The Taming of the Tyrant," also known as "I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away," is a manhwa that follows the journey of Charlize Ronan, who, after being transformed into a living sword and serving the empire for centuries, is granted a second chance at life. Determined to dismantle the oppressive regime, she becomes the mentor to Prince Dylan Blade, guiding him to become a tyrant emperor as part of her intricate plan for revenge.
As of Chapter 125, the narrative has evolved significantly. Charlize's relationship with Dylan has deepened, with both characters confronting their past traumas and the complexities of their intertwined destinies. The empire has undergone substantial changes under Dylan's rule, influenced by Charlize's guidance and their shared objectives. The story delves into themes of power, revenge, and redemption, with Charlize and Dylan facing formidable adversaries and moral dilemmas as they strive to achieve their goals.
The Taming of The Tyrant