Hogu Hagyeongsu
I don’t support or promote the toxicity but this story... uh. I love the art style even though it’s wicked rough. The artist tends to favour more muscled ukes which I enjoy. Yeah I didn’t expect the ending where he chose the abuser and the whole ride is painful but I just can’t.
Iberiko Buta to Koi to Tsubaki
That second story was sad. Felt incomplete too.
Hadakeru Kaibutsu
I needed this. I wish we got more FOR Yumi but just like Kanchan said it wouldn’t be right. Great story, would’ve made a great anime.
My Dirty Fantasy Came True
The Warrior and the Deity
Rapey but also sexy and short. I love the ukes this author goes for. Yass…
Put a Smile On
The rape was heavy and the justice for that unserved. Hokay so you fell for him in the end, he is a byproduct of a psycho upbringing, he’s turned over a new leaf. Still… he full raped you! Constantly! Smash his fuckn head in at least once!