Broken Melody
A girl who lost own self in a shadow, and a man that was conquer by his own depression. A very tragic yet inspiration story, that taught ones not to give up halfway and it's never to late totry new, and also don't live yourself with other's opinions.
Study Group Webtoon
HELL YEAH!! Many COOL fighting scenes and plot twists. LOOOOOOOVE IT
The Great Merchant Kim Manduk Manhwa
A story that I won't read again, I'm afraid...too depress for the ending...i can't ;_;
Perfect World (aruga Rie)
It was painful to read this at first, however their love for each other was so strong that they mangaed to overcome the obstacles and even in the future they are ready to face it despite what other tell them. It was pure true love. STRONGEST PEOPLE I EVER KNOW *sniff* =::) The last few chapters got me tears. The pain they went through yet manage to bring themselves up, it's not an easy thing for everyone, and that what makes me admire them. Words can't describe what I'm feeling now :)
Ingrid, the White Deer
The best definition of "Turning into a new leaf." Luv the ending (tho I want more of the side stories (>/0/<))
Sousou no Frieren
I came here reading after the anime. And I dare not to spoil myself more. I just love this anime. Maybe one of the best. I really really love this anime and the characters that I want to join them in their adventure very much. Seriously, I obessess with this anime. I'm grateful to know this anime. Thanks for coming to my life
This Witch of Mine