Akujiki no Dinner
This is beautiful. As a professional patient who waited a damn long time for my husband to come along, I totally, totally get this story. What a darkly beautiful gem oneshot.
Shisei no Otoko
God--I can't even think straight. This is amazing. So very, very dark and twisted, but so beautiful. I'm just stunned at how awesome this is. Everything came together beautifully and I gotta admit that I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck. Stupendous work. Highly recommended.
Vampire Girl (tanaka Minoru)
Oh my lord, YES! This was fun.
Futaribocchi no Ever After
How beautiful.
I'll Be Gay! Body Switcharoo
Very, very strange. Not quite sure what to make of this.
Glow Vampire
Meh. Mediocre at best. Tries for subversive but falls short to me.
What is the last card Lady Fate holds? I love the idea of digitalis/foxglove as a beautiful but deadly poisonous flower.
Meeting him