Nageku Shinigami
Damn freaking onion cutting ninjas. Beautiful, beautiful story. This is really something beautiful. I treasure this.
Nanadome No Gomenne
Beautiful, beautiful ride on the feels train. This is going to take a while to get out of my system. Truly, truly lovely, highly recommended and beautifully melancholy.
Spring Snow (Odongtong) Webtoon
This is a bittersweet beauty. It gives a beautiful ninth inning twist that brings home, in multiple ways, the idea that one person, whether they realize it or no, can have a lifetime effect on your psyche and I love that. It's so simple, yet so profound.
Soul Kiss
I LOVED this. I'm unafraid to confess that this made me cry.
Kimi ni Naifu
Demented and sad, but well put together. As a dark fiction writer, I applaud this.
Peter Pan
Dark, sad and twisted. I liked the take on the fairy dust.
Ikusen no Toki o Koete