Neon Sign Amber
Sensei writes a great story. This is beautiful, this is spectacular and this is something special...just gorgeous.
Natsuzora Lemon Biscuit
Damn onion cutting ninjas! Out to get me again! Beautiful and moving. ♡
This is wonderful! I was afraid that it was going to go in a very dark direction and I am pleased with the entirety of the story. Beautiful and moving. ♡ Highly recommended.
Soine Lovers
My favorite was the twenty-five years of confinement couple and the clone stories. Not exactly easy fluff reading.
Similar Terms
This is a fun one for straight up crazy.
The Ninety Nine Fox
This is awesome. Deep and dark. Quite dense and intense. I like this one a lot.
Yes, Master
I loved every ounce of this. Looking forward to reading it again. My favorite was the story of the light haired fella who was the servant of the young master. Darkly gorgeous.
Triangle (FUUKI Mame)
This is beautiful. This is what love is all about.
You're Everyone's Friend