NoName's manga / #Clingy but silly(1)

Salty Lust

Ongoing | Tropicalarmpit | 2023 released

PERSONAL: I’m gritting my teeth and going to explode. Noi is so fucking adorable, and I was actually going to sob when Asperier was first gone. Though my favorite is the soldier Owen, I still missed every single one of the Owens we met. Tearing up my shirt right now, in a fit of sorrow /j I really hope Nux wins this lawsuit over the parental rights for Noi. I almost cried when he mentioned that her smile was like his. Shit, I might ball my eyes out right now. GENERAL: Despite several moments of confusion in specific chapters (sex scenes), I found Nux and Five Owens lovable and gradually grew extremely attached to them. I felt like Nux could be friends with me if we ever met each other in real life and I would laugh at him every time I see him stuck with Asperier. They are honestly the most well-balanced sluttiest yet wholesome couple I’ve ever liked in my journey of yaoi. (7/3/2024, morning)