Unintentional Love Story
65.5 quick Yaoi 3/11/22. I think I binge-read it all today? Or yesterday and today? The ending (ep58) doesn't really feel like the end... Kind of like it just tapered off. But I guess they did cover most bases, and they DID go through a lot. I cried a lot I guess I just wanted it to be a super happy ending but it's not necessary cuz their love is continuously proven to be true so we just know they'll last ️ Would read again but cuz it's in manga format god it hurts my eyes... Would need a tablet or smth... Ig I also learned a bit about relationships from wonyoung from this story. Communication is important and you should focus on your own feelings, don't let things like jealousy get in the way when every moment counts; don't let outsiders ruin things for you. Just be honest and trust each other, I think ️
Omega Complex
Google french scans!!!! Way ahead Ch 18️️️ and some others before that too 31,32 but am I faving too many EPs?? 41 crying I'm so happy for them (but then I realized he proposed on his bday) that's assuming they'll be together forrver then it's ok ️
Akai Ringo no Nakami Jijou
3/19/22. Cute didn't realize it was only 6 chapters so it didn't feel like a proper end. I felt the speed up but the end was still a bit sudden. I'm so happy for them! Shy city boy hates the countryside but a friendly country boy doesn't give up on him *aww*. When they start dating, city boy became scared of their future and tried to get out of it but country boy made him be honest about his feelings... Country boy ended up applying for the same Tokyo uni and they both passed so they will stay together I wish them happiness for a long time
Namida Kun To Namida Chan
3/26/22. LMAOO dude came just from seeing his friend's crying face no h, barely bl, super duper short
12/31/22. Awkward art, awkward trans, but good slice of life vibe. Nothing dramatic, just growing up and heartache, slow pace, slow vibes. Ending was kinda weird how it tapered off like that but it was overall an average read. Following point still stands: Awkward but still pretty 50 you're JOKING wtf is that ending????? 51 lim heechan you fking idiot. And also, ugh, time skip? Sometimes they're done well, sometimes they're forced... Anyway, I hope it wasn't really the last time they ever saw each other... I hope they reunite as working adults 60 these idiots omg at least they're self-aware idiots 61 these lovebirds SIGH ️ need more tho
The Third Ending
12- PLEASEEE BOYFRIEND. IF U JUST TAKE UR JACKET OFF AND WEAR THE PRESENT ON THE SPOT IT SCREAMS BOYFRIEND STOP DENYING IT U LIKE HIM TOO 16 17 JUST DATE ALREADY 41 SPICYY 51 CUTE except cut out middle third about the new guy who's interested in our taken!! boy!!! 50s :(( I'm gradually feeling worse for our yoonseuliee he's so sincere but he keeps getting hurt by joon's naive actions :(( please banish redhead soon or at least tell him you're dating!! 59 poor yoonseuliee :(((( seriously I'm fed up with how unaware Joon is... Stop hurting yoonseul. I hope he finally gets mad next chapter cuz Joon is getting off too way too easily all these eps
Contract Romance For An Ending