The Third Ending
12- PLEASEEE BOYFRIEND. IF U JUST TAKE UR JACKET OFF AND WEAR THE PRESENT ON THE SPOT IT SCREAMS BOYFRIEND STOP DENYING IT U LIKE HIM TOO 16 17 JUST DATE ALREADY 41 SPICYY 51 CUTE except cut out middle third about the new guy who's interested in our taken!! boy!!! 50s :(( I'm gradually feeling worse for our yoonseuliee he's so sincere but he keeps getting hurt by joon's naive actions :(( please banish redhead soon or at least tell him you're dating!! 59 poor yoonseuliee :(((( seriously I'm fed up with how unaware Joon is... Stop hurting yoonseul. I hope he finally gets mad next chapter cuz Joon is getting off too way too easily all these eps
Your Skin Is Tinged Red as if Burning With Heat
3/27/23. Cute! Refreshing-type manga and these new gays aren't afraid of how others look at them
Nande Neteru Ore no Chinko Nametano