This was a bit lack luster for me as an avid BL reader. The art was simple but had a good characterization style though I wish there some more expressions shown in the couple. I get that it’s trying to be moody, poetic and dramatic but it felt a bit one note. Still quite palpable and able to read in one sitting.
Cheeky ending, I did enjoy it more than when I usually skip and skim if the talking isn’t as interesting. The characters were different and I tried liking them but something always felt a bit off like the story didn’t progres the way I thought it would:. Still a high 2 star for me.
Habibi's Rabbits
The concept is sweet, there’s thought put into it and the art well progressively changed but I guess my only thing is I was 40 chapters in and I still couldn’t get a firm grasp at the characters, there were all a bit 1 note for me, there was no complexity in the personalities and I feel that’s pretty important for great storytelling. I eventually got bored since it was quite elementary the plot for me but reading the author notes I could see now it was a story that truly she needed help with to figure out and in that perspective I can understand and appreciate it’s quirkiness. I wish I could understand who Habibi is other than just a rabbit owner? But I didn’t even see her being one of the main characters out of all of the story so that’s interesting!
I'm No Match For Him