A Terrible Romance
Nothing good will come of this
Down and Dirty
Sheesh kabeesh words dont jus funcling my g he jus bro when I when me when when you he really said Ahah sus ☻ I miss it, I actually took the time to read the creators note,, it's so good I'm crying this up there on my list of sad but eheiwjt
Serene bird
It was good I liked the end bit where they had i break, currently I'm having one of those dissassiaty crisis so I dont actually know what's been happening since 4pm today but I'm pretty sure this is good I'll give 7/10
Hogu Hagyeongsu
(It wasnt free) The sehren effect
One Piece - SBS spin off
walter white is submissive and breedcabelelkk
Lima Syndrome
Its toxic in an unromanticised manner I think it will be pretty interstellar Nvm I have stumbled across another 7 ish chp shit show of mental ilnesss
Secret Alliance
Actually good tho I am a little upset how they all got hair cuts and the ending fir the stalker was super unrealistic like iftike fixed everything I wouldnt be a piece of shirt commenting abt manhwa on mangago
Sura's Lover