zoe's manga / #Tragedy(1)

Haruka Tooki Ie

Complete | yatsuda teki | 2019 released
2024-10-13 11:17 marked
Tags: Tragedy

.. this hurt . especially the last scene. insteas of drawing the sea with no memory which hayden called to be the most beautiful landscape they'd ever see, alan drew hayden. hayden was the most beautiful landscape, scenery, and home in his eyes. now and forever. FUCKXJSHWYD THIS WAS SO FUCKINF SAD BEAUTIFUL AND TRAGIC FUCK KINIKILABUTAN AKO. also man the story. i feel so awful . honestly seeing alan and hayden's lives. it makes me so sad that it actually happens in real life. i hope that alan and hayden truly were able to find eachother again in another life and are able to have that feeling of being alive and happiness last longer