Nobara no Hanayome
Rockin' Heaven
*spoilers* bro what kinda no life ass with low self-esteem gets triggered by the word "parents" enough to throw someone else's pure leather shoes in a pool. like yeah i get it, we all have some sort of mommy/daddy issues but that doesn't give you the excuse to be a fucking dick about it. i'm sorry you have issues with your fam, but that aint my problem bro. then the girl jumped in the pool and he stopped her and had to "save" her. you don't need to be so dramatic. it's just a pool. why you acting "heroic" by "saving" her from a pool. woooowww you're such a gentleman for throwing my shoes in the pool in the first place and then jumping in after. wooowww you're soooo dreamy. and girl you got some real issues too for falling in love with this type of behavior. oh. mah. gawd. they both need some reevaluating on their life decisions. especially the classmates for having no spine to think for themselves and hiding behind the director's son and needing his permission. omg these mangas with these characters are fucking sad. ALSO, i couldn't even get past chapter one esp because home gurl fell in love with that sort of toxic-ass behavior. no one needs that type of toxicity in their lives.
Good Morning Call