Midnight Secretary
A bit like fifty shades of grey but with vampires instead
Devils Line
Kinda like Tokyo Ghoul but with devil, and it way more interesting
Bloody Kiss
Quick and easy read. Kinda wish there was more to it
Moshikashite Vampire
I don't know if it's complete or not but not much to it
The Maid and the Vampire
Really cute and amazing, didn't know it was Korean but I love how different it was.
My Dear Vampire Lord
Wtf was that ending... apparently there will be a season 2. I hope so, Lester just got stabbed by Chris and Sara is been teleported home....what the actual fuck
My Bride At Twilight
Disappointing, the first 50 chapters were great but then they changed characters which really made me loose interest
Bloody Sweet
I found this accidentally on Instagram, it really related to me because of the bullying for being different, I wish I had a prince charming to save me back then but I became my own hero and so did she
Vampire Knight