Kawaii Hito (saitou Ken)
i loved it !!!! so sweet and i absolutely love this trope ahhhh it reminds me of kimi ni todoke but gender swapped and its so lovely. its been a while since ive read anything purely fluffy and i enjoyed it so much. i feel like i learn about what kind of person i want to be in a relationship everytime and what my expectations are too hehe. the art was so pretty and the characters are so adorable (as expected) i would die for hanazono-san hes the sweetest. really appreciated the length too, i love longer mangas a lot and it was nice to see their relationship flourish and watch them become more comfortable together. overall loved it - 8/10
Kimi ni Ienai Koto ga Aru
hi okay imma be honest this was one of the best bls ive read and the fact that it was so short is CRIMINAL but the way it had such an impact on me with such little content is incredible. this was so fucking great, from the characters to the plot to the structure of their relationship to the art style to the underlying message shared. im in love. ugh, i love kyousuke so much and i relate so much with the mentality of not knowing whether something is "right or wrong" and being too afraid to pursue anything that seems wrong. but hes also everything i want to be, from his self-assuredness and motivation and work drive. hes inspirational but pitiful at the same time. i cried reading this. i only ever cry for long ass works that have time to play w my emotions but this did it for me within the 5th chapter. i loved this so much. i want to read the rest of the authors works if theyre even half this good. ugh. so fucking good. 10/10 literally. the only issue is that its so short. i could read 50 chapters about them and not grow tired. cant wait to reread.
Futari de Papa Hajimemashita
so cute! so pure! i loved it!! i love family bls so much and this was excellent. both the uke and seme are so sweet and adorable. and the bb was even cuter. just pure wholesomeness even when they were fucking lol. comfort read for sure. 8/10
Omae no Koi wa Ore no Mono
so cute!!! wow, i love omegaverse where the top actually fucking asks for consent and they have mutual feelings for eachother. ive read so much one-sided, non-con shit that i almost forgot what a healthy relationship looked like damn. this was v sweet and i love both the buff bois. wish it was longer! 8/10
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka
ahhhhhhhhh. this was so so SO refreshing. i genuinely felt like it summer here in february while reading this. i loved it more than i can write in words. god, it was so well written. im gonna speak on behalf of both this story, the doujinshin and the sequel here. such a wonderful read. probably the most healthy relationships ive ever read. even when i thought there might be a misunderstanding (bc there usually always is) there wasnt! even the so-called rivals were super sweet and well-meaning! there wasnt a single obstacle between them and thats how it should always be. it was just pure, healthy, wonderful fluff. they are so atune with each other and do anything to make the other one happy, even if its just by being completely honest with themselves. it makes me hope that i can find someone to feel this way with. i had butterflies so many times reading this. tbh i wanted some smut so bad by the end of this but i still love the affection between the two. it slightly makes me sad that watoru never really says 'i love you' straight up, but its true that he proves his feelings through his actions time and time again. i cannot wait to reread this one. i wished it would never end while reading too. 10/10.
Bukiyo Na Bokura No Sukima
super cute!! i love stories like this so much ahhh. high school love is where its at man. kinda rmbr hating the uke but hes cute at the same time
Oya No Kao Ga Mite Mitai