Cradle of the Almighty
dunno why reading idk how to feel about it yet. flashbacks are cute as hell, but in the present seme acts like a total asshole and uke was framed ig and is being treated like criminal. also age gap, parent-child dynamic and potential memory loss are not my cup of tea tbh but we'll see for now
Nerd Project
current fav перший кісс (але типу ПРАКТИКА хоча звісно ні) 17-18 / 27-28 / 33-34 (kisses and bj) 35-36 actual deed ehehegehe I'm broken / 1 season - 34ch перегляд 37
omw4 (would've been cf2 if not for their faces being TOO DAMN SIMILARRRR) seems interesting enough for a thriller so I'm invested 9
Antidote (Harusari)
omw4, marinating this!! artist!!!!
Fire in the whole
hottest2, notbad not a full story, but rather a collection of episodes picturing their freakiness burned
Got You! Wonderland
okay so based on comments uke is not exactly pleasant, but oh well overall chaotic/ridiculous vibes
That Moment Then
not bad super cute yet super short ( no drama just fluffiness
Ultra-Light Hands-Free VANSS ver 2.0!
omw4 unhinged in the best way, I NEED MORRRRE
Missing Pepper Case