My Unfriendly Manager
omw2 (maybe move to current fav?) third-parties on the edge of being in a full-fledged love triangle(s) secrets, unrevealed past, possibly misunderstandings or miscommunication art is super hot fr fr let's see 19
Penetrate Me With Your Eyes
omw3 7ch ongoing
Hatsukoi ga, Do Eroku Minotta
omw3 4
Secretary to Stage
dunno why ДУЖЕ гілті плежа, бісить моментами прям екстремально, але моментами дуже кєк і мило. second-hand embarrassment is real in this one omg дратує притягнутий за вуха "трикутник" і типу інтриги-драми навколо дебюту, але шо вже поробиш, хоч якийсь сюжет треба гляну коли вже ближче до кінця буде перегляд 16
Diss Love
current fav SUPERR HOTTTTT. and has a huge potential with unraveling all the drama and backstory (like seme obv has unrequited crush on uke from years ago and even wrote a song about it, but uke doesn't remember him so he wouldn't even guess it's about him lol). plus their get-together won't be easy, you can tell right away seme has a potential of being in my list of faves, such a passionate pup woof first(?) kissu ch14 ️ and all the hot stuff between characters starts ch16-17 heh around ch34-35 they have great smex and then BAAMM ANGST
omw3 (mb current fav later) a bit more stiff compared to shutline for ex., butttt really interesting nonetheless. so waiting for updates !! 8
Saiai no Otoko ni Juukou o