Mendo na Ojikan Desu
"not bad", even tho it's not something really special lol. kinda rushed, since it's a new couple every chapter. and somehow sex scenes felt really unnecessary for most of them........... the best couples are from 3d and 4-5th chapters~~ 7/10
Tsumasaki no Ajisai
current fav, probably will go into favorites soooo good ️ 4
Torokeru Tamago to Bed no Naka de
8/10, not bad aaalmost lilbitless, but i felt like it missed smth a bit. tho overall it's really good in this "realistic slice of life for gay couple" genre. they're fluffy and hot alright and i took out one more point purely out of pettiness since i hate bottom's facial hair lmao. but his body IS TEAAA
Sonokoi Jihanki de Kaemasuka?
c.f.2 even tho art is a bit off sometimes, I'm literally in love with everything else aahhh
As Long As You
not bad, 9/10 it's actually really sweet and i liked it, a full volume would def go into lilbitless or even fav