The Evil Lady's Hero
Ongoing | Lee haron, | 2019 released
THIS IS THE HOTTEST HISTORICAL MANHWA I'VE EVER READ. i love it soo much from the first chapter. Yunifer and ishid is match made from heaven. The fl is flirty and the ml is just a hawt dumb powerful knight make the storyline even better. Rael who is originally the fl from the novel actually deserves better tho. She's a sweetheart. Still yunifer and ishid is soo hawt they could burn my bed. After reading it for a while, i just not satisfied on how they treat the prince. He is miserable but no one comfort him. I can say he facing all the problems by himself and it's pathetic
The Lady and the Beast
Ongoing | The maginot line,Hongseul | 2019 released
I'll come back when I'm ready
The Invicible Princess Is Bored Again Today
Ongoing | | 2019 released
Kill the Lights